Behold the inheritance of the Lord are children: the reward, the fruit of the womb.
– Psalm 127:3 DRB
Large families experience a plethora of reactions from onlookers: questions, curiosity, admiration, wonder–and stronger reactions perhaps of wistfulness or disdain depending on one’s reproductive desires and spiritual perspectives. Whether the large family is viewed positively or negatively, most could dub these parents brave to live out personal convictions that prove to be counter-cultural, costly, and self-sacrificing.
St. Mother Theresa weighs in: "Too many children? That’s like saying there are too many flowers in one’s garden."
Lord, give wisdom and strength to everyone bringing up children this day, whether they are expectant parents, raising one child or parenting a googol of little ones. Bring comfort to anyone suffering from regret.
Photo: Lisa Livezey, "Gaggolon,"2023