But my face may not be seen. – Exodus 33:23 (GNT)
Moses wanted to see God's face, but the Divine glory was beyond human capacity, so God gave Moses a glimpse of His Back. From that limited exposure, Moses' face radiated light for days to follow.
We likewise desire to look directly at the sun, but its brightness supersedes our visual capacity. We need special glasses or filters lest our eyes be damaged.
In both cases, our finiteness cannot accommodate the awesome brilliance.

What is man that you are mindful of him, and a son of man that you care for him? Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is so high that I cannot attain it. Ps. 8:4, Ps. 139:6 (NRSV)
Every little glimpse of God that can be gained exceeds every pain and every joy that man can conceive without it. // St. Catherine of Genoa
Consider what it is about God and about the sun that makes us want to gaze at them. Ask God to give you a brief glimpse of Himself today, even just His back.
For Part II of Solar Stare, tune in next Thursday - April 25th!
(photo: Lisa Livezey, "8April24")
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