Whatsoever the LORD pleased, that did he in heaven, and in earth, in the seas, and in all deep places. – Psalm 135:6 (KJV)
Freckled, cold, mysterious, odd, unsightly, lurking. God made it.

Ugly, bumpy, strange, unseen, bizarre, slimy, ancient. It serves a purpose.

Lord, I realize Your ways are not ours. When I encounter something odd, help me to think of You and ponder Your purposes. Look into the deep places of my heart and see if there might be something cold and unsightly there that You want to somehow use for good.
When we say this thing is a mystery, of the thing we say nothing, but of ourselves we say that we do not comprehend this thing. // St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Think of some creatures that seem cold, bizarre, and unsightly – or certain traits in yourself or others that appear odd, bumpy or strange. Is it possible these things have a purpose beyond our comprehension?
(photos: Lisa Livezey, "Aquarium Anomalies")
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